Friday, 8 January 2010

A big thank you

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to the opening of my solo show in Shoreditch, 'Cosmos or Chaos', braving the snow and the ice!  It was wonderful to see so many people there, despite it being the coldest night of the year.

A big shout goes out to Michael and Keran from studio1.1 for hosting the show, and to Arts Council England who made it all possible. The exhibition continues until 24th January.

I'm having some installation shots done on Monday, so shall try to post a pic on the blog next time,  if I can find out how to do so....

Meanwhile, there are a couple of exhibitions that I want to see before they close - I'll try to get to the John Baldessari show at Tate Modern over the weekend, and then go see 'Sacred Made Real' at the National Gallery before the 24th January.

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