Sunday, 1 February 2015

Arts Council England Award

In January this year, I won a Grants for the Arts Award from Arts Council England.

I am delighted to receive this award: it is a rare achievement, especially for a painter. Such grants are extremely competitive in the current economic climate with the recent cuts to the Art Council's budget. The award will make a huge difference to my practice in 2015 and what I am able to achieve, as well as giving me great self confidence in my work. Thanks go out to all my friends and colleagues for your good wishes and congratulations.

This award is for professional development and will fund a period of research and development within my practice, enabling me to create new paintings. I have already made a detailed plan as to how I intend to develop my work and have outlined a budget of materials and a timeline to pursue. 2015 is going to be an extremely productive year where I will be able to paint under optimum conditions.

Now it is all about achieving results and making the most of the support I have been given at this time. I will keep you posted as my project develops.

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