Wednesday, 7 November 2018

'Talking Back' by bell hooks

In 1989, I had the honour of being commissioned by Sheba Feminist Pubishers to provide a book cover for bell hook's first UK publication of 'Talking Back'.

The image was chosen from a selection of slides I had deposited at the Women Artists Slide Library. Upon seeing the cover, bell wrote to the publishers:

"The cover is so absolutely beautiful. It has given me so much pleasure and delight this gray winter evening".

Such praise from an author I greatly admire, and excellent feedback for my project!

'Talking Back' has since been published in other formats in the UK and US, by other publishers and with different covers. But mine is the only copy of the book in this format that I have seen when searching for it online.

Whilst probably greatly sought after by book collectors, it is one thing I will never sell.

ISBN 0 907179 401

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